Where there be Dragons - Nepal itinerary

Our students Kilani and Samantha are traveling with Where There Be Dragons to Nepal and depart this Friday, February 10th. Here’s what is in store for them:

After landing, the group will stay in the shadow of the great Boudhanath Stupa, one of the world’s largest Buddhist monuments and the anchor of Kathmandu’s largest Buddhist community, and spend our first several days settling into Nepal, getting to know each other, and starting to explore. With morning walks to the Stupa, lots of tea breaks (!), there is plenty of time to orient, relax and overcome jet-lag.

From Boudha, the group will hike for several days into the Himalayan foothills, with lots of big ups and down across the gorgeous hills. Hiking through villages, fields, and forests will give a glimpse of the character of life in rural Nepal.

The group arrives at the ancient city of Patan in the center of the Kathmandu Valley, with breathtakingly intricate heritage and history that has thrived over many centuries. Here the group will live with families indigenous to Patan - a city of artisans, devotees, and an ancient spirit in the modern world. They will begin to learn Nepali and learn things wood carving and metalwork, yoga, traditional music, and dance.

East of Dhukillel, the group will spend hours each day engaging with another set of families – from harvesting crops to feeding cattle to carrying firewood, sipping tea on the porch, playing with village children, and more. They will also discuss issues of service, development, rural identity, and spirituality.

Next will be Namo Buddha, an important Tibetan Buddhist monastery perched atop a hill east of the Kathmandu Valley, where we will participate in a meditation retreat for one week.

After they bid goodbye to Namo Buddha, the group will embark on a two week long trek in the majestic Nepali Himalaya. The trek will take us to the heart of the mountains, the north central range of the Himalaya in Nepal soaring higher than 26000ft.

After the conclusion of our trek, the group will begin the Expedition Phase which are days left intentionally unplanned so that the group can find the best place to go based on their interests and thoughts.

Lastly, they finish up their time with rest, relaxation, and celebration in the hills of Pharping before returning back home!